A Place Where Lovers Go

there is a world
where the earth completes
a revolution in fourteen months
but you start one in my mind
in just fourteen seconds.

it’s a world where songs
talk, and they tell me to kiss
you with my clammy hands under
the moonlight which is warm,
but you are warmer.

I am a delusional traveller there,
and Spain is across the street
but it’s so loud that flowerpots
at my house slow dance
to the noise, and I want to go
to some place quiet.

when I think of quiet places,
I think of your hands, but its so
quiet I lose it when time falters.
and sometimes when its dizzy,
I set flame to all the letters
I addressed to you
even before I wrote them.

it’s a world where you carve
tattooes on my skin,
that fade little by little
each day but I hold time
in my arms, while it dies.

it’s a world where everything
we pretend leaves scars,
and you have never
looked uglier.

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